
“Hollywood on the Charles.”

Showcasing some of the best films from around the world! Doors open at 7pm. We’re still trying to book guests/events so check back often. Friday, October 11 will host a special National Coming Out Day screening hosted by the lovely and talented Tori Clay, our own trans legend.

Location: The Capitol Theater in Arlighton | 204 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, MA.

(They have a beer and wine license)

Admission: Free to all of our selected filmmakers and screenwriters.

We are asking $10 to the general public.

“Hollywood on the Charles.”

CLOSING NIGHT AWARD ANNOUNCEMENTS and a special screening: EXPATS: The New American Dream. We’ll probably have one or more shorts as well, to be announced, so check back for more information.

Location: The Capitol Theater in Arlighton | 204 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, MA.

(They have a beer and wine license)

Admission: Free to all of our selected filmmakers and screenwriters.

We are asking $10 to the general public.